David Sklar. Where Poetry Comes From
Larry Hammer. Laurel Thoughts
A.J. Odasso. Stone Ghost
Brittany Warman. The Mermaid's Winter Song
Bethany Powell. Avoiding the Issue
Kevin Heaton. Rapunzel's Loft
Sonya Taaffe. The Green Man Answers the Classifieds
Richard Lung. Fylingdales
Francesca Forrest. Across the water
Seretta Martin. Homage
Sofia Samatar. The Hunchback's Mother
Karen A. Romanko. Lamplighter
Michele Bannister. Pasifika: Regrets
Kendall Evans. Far Reach to the Stars
Rich Magahiz. David Kopaska-Merkel. Billie Dee.
Charles Nelson. Deborah P Kolodji.
Brock Marie Moore.
Ross Balcom. Susan Diridoni. Denise Dumars.
Very Short Poems
Dominik Parisien. Penny